"Delivering Christ’ Redemptive Purpose”
Philippines SEC Registration No.: CN201409802
Fundamental Doctrines
The word of God would include the power by which God brings all things to pass according to the counsel of his will (Eph 1.11), including creation (Gen 1.3: Jn 1.3). There is a God (triune, both sovereign and personal); He speaks or reveals himself to us. And one of the key forms that revelation takes is Scripture or the Bible, God’s special revelation committed to writing.
Rom 10.6-8
2 Peter 1:20-21
2 Tim 3:16
Bible as Our Authority - 2Tim 3:16
By authority we mean the right to command belief and/or action.
The Internal Working and Illumination of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 13:13-15; Mark 8:18; Eph. 1:18; 2 Corinthians 3:16-18; John 14:26; John 15:26-27; Matt. 16:22; Luke 23:40; John 16:13; Psalm 119:97-104
Attributes of Scripture
Divine Inspiration and Special Revelation
Biblical Inerrancy
Biblical Infallibility
The Clarity (Perspicuity) of Scripture
The Necessity of Scripture
The Sufficiency of Scripture
God is one. (Acts 17.26; Rom 1.20)
God is the creator (Ps 19; Acts 17.25)
God is eternal and independent (Rom 1.20; Acts 17.25)
God is invisible and powerful (Rom 1.20)
God, though distinct from the universe, is active in it. (Acts 17.24; 26-27)
God sustains all things (Acts 17.24-28; 14:15-16)
God is moral, the ultimate source of our values (Rom 1.32)
God’s Existence - Job 11:7; Job 26:14; Job 30:26; Isaiah 40:18; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20; Romans 1:19-20;
The Nature and Attributes of God
The Independence or Self-Existence of God [Aseity]
The Immutability of God
God is Infinite
God is Spiritual and Personal
God is Immanent and Transcendent
God is Triune
God create everything for his glory, ultimately shown through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God created. Creation owes itself not to chance and impersonal forces, but to God.
God created in the beginning.
God created time. He’s pre-existent, eternal. Matter is not, matter will come later.
God created the heavens and the earth. So all we see, all there is, all that exists owes itself to God.
God of covenant is God of creation.
Our future hope of salvation is built upon a God who has the power to make all things new.
4. God’s Ongoing Relationship with Creation - His Sovereignty and Providence
Jer. 23:23, 24; Acts 17:24-28.
Heb. 1:3.
Jer. 5:24;
Acts 14:15-17;
John 9:3;
Prov. 22:2.
Prov. 16:33.
Matt. 10:29.
Through God’s providence we see God being actively involved in His creation at each moment.
God didn’t abandon his creation after He made it; rather, He tends to it and sustains it by His infinite power and sovereignty.
God of creation will show himself also to be the God of redemption.
Gen. 2:17; Gen. 3:4; Hab. 1:13; 1 John 1:5; Jas. 1:13; Deut. 32:4; 2 Pet 2:4
Inherited Guilt: We are counted guilty because of Adam’s sin.
Inherited Corruption: We have a sinful nature because of Adam’s sin.
Total Depravity: In our natural state we lack spiritual good before God.
Total Inability: In our actions we are unable to do spiritual good before God.
All are sinful before God.
A single sin makes us legally guilty before God.
We deserve God’s eternal wrath because of our sin.
The Person of Christ
Jesus is one person, with two natures: Fully God and Fully man.
Jesus Christ Shares the Honors Due to God
Jesus Christ Shares the Attributes of God
Jesus Christ Shares the Names of God
Jesus Christ Shares in the Deeds that God Does
Jesus Christ Shares the Seat of God's Throne
The virgin birth was the means God used to send his Son.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life
Jesus Christ, the Second Adam (Rom. 5:18-19; 1 Cor. 15:45)
Jesus Christ, our Substitutionary Sacrifice (Heb. 2:14-17)
Jesus Christ, the Mediator between God and Men (1 Tim. 2:5)
Jesus Christ, our Perfect Example (Phil 2:5-11; 1 Pet 2:21; Heb. 12:2)
Jesus Christ, our Sympathetic High Priest (Heb. 2:18; 4:15-16)
Jesus Christ, the First-Born from the dead (Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 15:49)
Jesus Christ, the God-Man forever (Luke 24:39ff; Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:13-17)
The Work of Christ
Christ is our Penal Substitutionary Atoning Sacrifice
Christ is our Legal Substitute
Christ is our Redeemer.
Christ is our Reconciler
Christ is our Victor
The Person of the Holy Spirit
Rom. 8:27; I Corinthians 12:11; John 14
We regarded the Holy Spirit as a Person and not a vague force.
Scripture identifies the Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit possesses divine attributes
Though distinguished from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is represented as equal with the Father and the Son in the great Trinitarian passages of the New Testament
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Gen. 1:2; Heb. 11:3; Col 1:16
The Holy Spirit is present in the Old Testament
The Holy Spirit is in the Person of Christ
The Holy Spirit is at Work in the Christian
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Union with Christ
The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church
We believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit refers to the activity of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the Christian life when we’re given new spiritual life in regeneration and are given a clear break with the power of sin.
We believe that being Filled in the Holy Spirit is basic empowerment for the work of the ministry and the Christian life. It is a subsequent work of grace on an individual believer for the explicit purpose of receiving extra-ordinary spiritual strength for Christ-exalting ministry.
We believe that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit doesn’t seem to be a single comprehensive list of spiritual gifts. That there seems to be a priority on the word-related gifts, speaking the very Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. the gifts are gifts given by God. He gives as he pleases. The purpose of spiritual gifts is to build up the church and, in all things, LOVE is the guiding principal in the exercise of the spiritual gifts.
God worked from eternity past and is working into eternity future to reconcile a chosen people to Himself through the atoning work of Christ on the cross.
We believe that when the Bible speaks of salvation it doesn’t speak of one “simple and indivisible act.” Rather it speaks of salvation comprising a “series of acts and processes.” Scripture speaks of salvation in the past, present, and future. Christians have been saved (Eph. 2:8), are being saved (1 Cor. 1:18), and will be completely saved someday from the consequences of sin (Rom. 5:9).
Election and Predestination (God’s choice of people to be saved)
The Gospel Call (proclaiming/hearing the message of the Gospel)
Regeneration (being born again)
Conversion (faith and repentance)
Justification (right legal standing; righteousness of Christ imputed)
Adoption (membership in God’s family)
Sanctification (growth in obedience and knowledge; increased conformity to Christ)
Perseverance (continuing in the faith; abiding in Christ)
Physical Death (going to be with the Lord)
Glorification (receiving a resurrection body)
We believe the Bible says in Ephesians 5:25 that, “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy.” Here the term ‘the church’ applies to all those who are saved by the death of Christ. That necessarily includes all true believers for all time – both believers in the New Testament age and believers those that God had brought to Himself through true faith in the Old Testament age.
We believe that RCIM belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s His church, because he brought it into being, and he’s the one who purchased it with his own blood. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus tells Peter, “I will build my church.”
We believe that entrance into the church is gained by having faith in Jesus. Thus, the church “is international in membership and allows no ethnic, gender, or social divisions.” Reconciliation of worldly divisions is finally accomplished in Christ.
We believe that the Church is Militant and Triumphant. The church is “militant” in the sense that it’s comprised of those who are still living and engaging in spiritual warfare constantly. She is called into holy warfare. This doesn’t mean that the church uses the weapons of this world (2 Cor. 10:4). A Christian is given a new heart by God’s Spirit to live a life of repentance and faith and spiritual armor to that end. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in this world and in the heavenly realms (Eph. 6:12). The church is not only referred to as militant but also as triumphant. This just means that it’s comprised of those who are in heaven, and in heaven the church will be shown to be victorious. Christ said that he will build his church and that the gates of hell will not overcome it (Matt. 16:18). We’re not fighting a losing battle but a battle that is already won in Christ.
We believe that the Church shall glorify God through…
Worship (Ephesians 1:12)
Evangelism (Matthew 28:19)
Discipleship (Colossians 1:28)
RCIM believe that the preaching and teaching of the Word is central to the church’s life because it’s the primary means by which God creates and imparts spiritual life to His people.
We believe that Baptism is an act of obedience in which a believer in Christ publicly confesses his faith. Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but is a symbolic act of obedience that expresses one’s faith in and submission to Christ.
While Baptism is an ordinance to be observed once as a Christian’s public expression of faith in Christ at the beginning of his Christian life, Christians are to observe Lord Supper or Communion regularly, in continuing fellowship with Christ.
We believe to impose Church discipline as stated in Matthew 18:15-20 in order to:
To restore and for reconciliation of the Believer who is going astray
To keep sin from spreading to others
To protect the purity of the church and the honor of Christ
We believe in the autonomy of the local church. The only Head of a local church is the Lord Jesus Christ. The church shall manage its own affairs and shall not be subject to any other religious body or organization. The government of REDEEMED BY CHRIST INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES is vested in its members. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government in all phases of its life and organization. It recognizes the needs of mutual counsel and cooperation that are common among evangelical churches. This church will cooperate and mutually work with REDEEMED BY CHRIST INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES as it is decided upon by the church.
We believe that the Bible promises a literal return of Christ. Jesus came once to make atonement for sin, and he will come again to consummate his rule. Hebrews 9:27; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Matthew 24:30-31; Zephaniah 1:15-18
There will be a personal, visible, bodily return of Christ
The time of Christ’s coming is unknown
Christians should long eagerly for Christ’s return
Jesus Christ will be the Judge
Unbelievers will be judged and condemned to eternal punishment
Believers will be judged accordingly.
We believe that the end of the world is approaching; that at the last day Christ will descend from heaven, and raise the dead from the grave to final retribution; that a solemn separation will then take place; that the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment, and the righteous to endless joy; and that this judgment will fix forever the final state of men in heaven or hell, on principles of righteousness.
We believe that believers of Jesus Christ will reign with Him in his Millennial reign (Revelation 20:2-5). As a Church, we believe that there is a Millennial reign, and it is only the God the Father knows the time.
We believe in The New Heaven and the New Earth. We will see the face of the eternal and invisible God and live in an endless succession of time worshiping and enjoying our Creator as was meant to be.